Tuesday, December 15, 2009

New Website Up!



this one actually works better

it has a huge bug unfortunately where it likes to swap two tabs at the same time...i wasnt able to fix this so late in the process so i had to leave it.


Anyway, I tried to give it almost a coffee house feel/look to it, I'm not sure why, I think I just went to Starbuck's too many times. Anyway, I wanted the design to look progressive and homey, so that was the feel I went for. The original site had too much white and a lot of light blue, I, as I often do, replaced the white with black, added the tan color, and then gave it a kind of branded ornate symbol. I wanted the symbol to not really mean anything and be repeatable, so I simply browsed some online and made my own version with a few little leaf-like details added to it. I tried to give the site a professional yet very utilitarian feel, so the pages aren't made up entirely of huge colorful images like my last site. I tried to just think outside of the way I usually do things, but to me it still looks like one of my brainchildren. This does contain 15 pages total, with one downloadable document and 2 outside links (to google maps, of course).


Well, from the get-go I had issues using CSS styles and I simply could not get text to work correctly within my frames exported from fireworks, this works totally flawlessly on my last assignment, I still haven't figured out what I was doing wrong. Therefor all the type is rasterized, which took longer to make links and the sort work in the long run. My slices were never all named, so the site has copies of the same images over and over totalling the size of the site to around 7mb, which is huge and is totally my fault. As stated above, the Contact Us tab throws a huge error, this was my mistake that I caught but I didn't have time to fix as I first caught it at the beginning of class and I only could fix one or two pages in time for the upload. Another weird bug is the Location tab. I cannot explain at all why no rollover behavior works on it, I recoded the thing manually in CSS, and remade the page entirely in Fireworks twice, and even though it displays as having rollover behaviors attached to it, it does nothing in the browser.

Well, that was my self critique, I really wish I had done a better job but honestly I think, due mostly to lack of sleep this past month, I could have avoided all these issues by taking my time on it instead of having to constantly fix bugs (which took almost 2 entire days of reworking). So there you have it, it basically looks the way I wanted it to look, it just doesn't function perfectly unfortunately, I think it was a good learning experience regardless.

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